"Post" in the term post-colonial represents both the period after the colonization and the opportunities for resistence againsts the colonialism, its policy and ideology, as well as the contemporary forms of supremacy and subjugation. The aim of this course is to explain the political, cultural and language problems stirred up by the European colonization and its legacy. The course deals with theoretical work of authors, who represent the post-colonial theory (Césaire, Fanon, Sa?d, Spivak, Mbembe, Bhabha, Thiong'o or Jameson) and analysis of French and francophone literature (mostly from African and Carribean authors). It helps the students to see the literature from the perspective of power relations among individuals, languages and cultures, and to highlight the stylistic and thematic characteristics of novels written by authors from former French colonies or overseas departments (relation to French language, exlusion/inclusion, feeling of affilia