The subject deepens students' practical skills in obtaining resources for the activities of a non-profit organization from the social area. Students will try various techniques and tools of fundraising, learn how to reflect social facts and phenomena particularly in relation to philanthropy, and acquire skills for writing grant applications, creating concepts and business plans, which are all needed in the process of building a cooperation with business subjects and developing an individual donations in the form of campaign, benefit events and public collections. 1. Introduction to the issue - terminology, historical context of philanthropy, the legal environment in the Czech Republic 2. Distribution of resources - methods of financing NGO (specifically NGOSS), typology of resources, aspects of fundraising (legal, fiscal, ethical, and psychological) 3. The position of FR in NGO - the role and position of FR in other managements activities, personality and skills of a fundraiser, financial management of NGO 4. Fundraising plan - review of NGO's capacities, the making of a fundraising strategy and FR plan, the commandments of FR 5. Grant fundraising 1 - project intentions and management of NGO's portfolio, specifics of the grant sector, analysis of grant resources, grant application 6. Grant fundraising 2 - grants from public budgets (the State budget and budget of self-government), tools of APE (Active Policy of Employment), EU funds 7. Corporate fundraising - the concept of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), forms of corporate philanthropy (donation, payroll giving, matching), the principles of negotiating with donors, fundraising arguments 8. Corporate fundraising 2 - sponsorship, types of sponsorship, shared marketing, corporate volunteering, lending a worker, lending premises and technology, goods and services discounts 9. Individual fundraising 1 - motivation of donors, the donor pyramid, donor campaigns, public collections, mobile donating (SMS donations), benefit events 10. Individual fundraising 2 - other forms of donation (testamentary dispositions, individual volunteering) 11. Individual fundraising 3 - less traditional forms of donation (charity auctions, charity lottery) 12. Self-financing - profit-making activities, membership contributions, selling goods and services, income from properties, government procurement 13. Social entrepreneurship - the principles of social enterprise's functioning, analysis of a business plan, tax aspects of entrepreneurship Each student starts and keeps a portfolio of this seminar. Students give a final presentation of the results of a practice seminar (15 minutes per group.) Form of the graded assessment: written Graded assessment requirements: Each student makes a case study of the development of fundraising and the use of fundraising tools in a specific NGO of his/her choice. Range of the paper is 3-5 A4 pages. Form of feedback: written. Evaluation of the paper focuses on the conciseness of description according to the specific criteria.