Aim of the course: The course aims to expand students' knowledge of the approaches that exist within the framework of economic reality, but are focused at harnessing human potential and addressing the societal problems that are often the product of the market economy.
1. The thought roots of the social economy
2. Labour market and unemployment
3. Defining the social economy
4. Social economy actors and their specifics
5. Social Enterprise
6. Cooperatives
7. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
8. Complementary Economic Systems
There will be a regular check in the form of discussions. Credits are then given for active participation in seminars, and after completing and presenting the seminar paper.
Form of graded assessment: written
Examination contains 5 open questions, which shlould be answered with in 25 minutes all.
Each fully correct answer is granted with maximum 3 points.
Limit for passing is 9 points (60%)
13,8 - 15 pts: mark A (92%)
12,60 - 13,79 pts: mark B (84%)
11,40 - 12,59 pts: mark C (76%)
10,20 - 11,39 pts: mark D (68%)
9 - 10,19 pts: mark E (60%)
BLANC, J. 2011. Classifying "CCs": Community, complementary and local currencies' types and generations. International Journal of Community Currency Research, 15 (D), 4 - 10.
BOYLE, D. & BIRD, S. 2014. Give and Take: How timebanking is transforming healthcare, Stroud, Gloucester, Timebanking uk.EUROPEAN COMMISSION. Guide to Social Innovation. [online]. Brussel: DOHNALOVÁ, Marie. Sociální ekonomika v evropském kontextu. Brno: Akademické nakladatelství CERM, 2006. 314 s. ISBN 80-7204-428-1.
European Commission, Regional and Urban Policy, 2013, 72 p. [cit. 2015-10-25]. Dostupné z:
MONZÓN, José Luise a Rafael CHAVES. Sociální ekonomika v Evropské unii. CIRIEC (the International Centre of Research and Information on the Public, Social and Cooperative Economy/Mezinárodní středisko pro výzkum a informace v oblasti veřejné, sociální a družstevní ekonomiky). Brusel: EHSV (Evropský hospodářský a sociální výbor), 2012, 62 s.
SKOVAJSA, Marek a kol. Občanský sektor:organizovaná občanská společnost v České republice. 1. vyd. Praha: Portál, 2010. 372 s. ISBN 978-80-7367-681-0.YOUNG, Dennis R. Social enterprise: A strategy for nonprofit mission and sustainability. S.l.: North Carolina State University, 2002.
- Enseignant: Jan Hloušek